Temple Open Hours weekday mornings from 9 am - 11 am and evening from 5 pm - 8 pm. Weekends from 9 am -12 pm and 5 pm - 8 pm. Wednesday-closed.
Temple Open Hours weekday mornings from 9 am - 11 am and evening from 5 pm - 8 pm. Weekends from 9 am -12 pm and 5 pm - 8 pm. Wednesday-closed.

Ganesh Chaturthi – 2020

Ganesha Puja festivities – Chaturthi & Sthapana Puja + week long puja/celebration, Havan and Visarjan (outdoors)
Please join us for the Ganesh Chaturthi puja/celebrations at the Mandir on Sat Aug 22nd @5:45pm or Join us Online Meeting ID: 925 896 1252. One tap mobile +19292056099,,9258961252# US (New York) +13017158592,,9258961252# US (Germantown) 
For sponsoring the puja, please contact Manjula Nathan (573-639-7814) or Ranjana Hans (614-745-6272) with your name, gothram, and birth star. Payments can be made by cash/check/pay pal to HTCC.
  • Devotees who are sponsoring/attending the puja in-person at the temple, need not bring anything.
  • Devotees can also attend the puja online via zoom link
  • For additional information about the puja, please contact our Priest Sharma Ji at 678-622-5159
Sponsorship fees:
  1.  For Ganesha puja all days during Ganesha Navaratri and Ganesha Homam/Havan:  $121
  2.  Ganesha Homam/Havan:  $51
  3.  For one day puja:  $21
Sat August 22nd – Ganesha Chaturthi/Sthapana Puja from 5:45 pm to 8:00 pm @ 2006 Holly Avenue
Ganesha Chaturthi Puja will be performed at the temple by our Priest Sharma Ji. Attendance at the temple will be via RSVP and the maximum number of devotees will be limited to 21. If you choose to attend in person, please RSVP at the temple evite email or this shareable link: Ganesh Chaturthi eVite or send a text message to Priest Sharma Ji at 678-622-5159.
  • 5:45 pm –  Sankalpam
  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm –  Ganesh puja, Ganesha stapana and Katha
  • 7:30 pm –  Aarti
  • Followed by on the spot bhajans if time permits
Sun August 23rd to 30th – Ganesha Navaratri daily puja from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm @ 2006 Holly Avenue
Puja will be performed daily at the temple. Daily Program is as follows:
  • 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm – Puja
  • 6:30 pm to 6:45 pm – Bhajans
  • 6:45 pm to 7:00 pm – Aarti
Sun August 30th – Ganesha Homam/Havan from 8:30am @ 4321 E New Haven Rd
Ganapati Homam/Havan puja at the new temple land in the morning from 8:30 am (details yet to be finalized).
Mon August 31st – Ganesha Visarjan  @ 4321 E New Haven Rd
Visarjan will take place at the pond at the new temple landTime and other details are being worked out.
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