Temple Open Hours weekday mornings from 9 am - 11 am and evening from 5 pm - 8 pm. Weekends from 9 am -12 pm and 5 pm - 8 pm. Wednesday-closed.
Temple Open Hours weekday mornings from 9 am - 11 am and evening from 5 pm - 8 pm. Weekends from 9 am -12 pm and 5 pm - 8 pm. Wednesday-closed.

Devi Jaagran – 2015

Please join us to celebrate Devi Jaagran at the temple on October 11th.

Date : Sunday, October 11, 2015

5:00 pm – 7:45 pm Devi Jagaran performed by Sateesh Bhagwat from Chicago
7:45 pm: Aarti
8:00 pm : Parsad and Pot-luck dinner


Meena Thawani :660- 888-2917 gm.mo404@choicehotels.com
Chandra Rawlani : 864-5521 rawlani.chand@gmail.com

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